Mission Statement...We are a Catholic family,
living our awareness of Christ’s presence through worship, service, evangelization and community
for the benefit of all.
See the links below for further information about our Confirmation, 7th grade RE, and Youth Ministry
Our Weekly Youth Ministry sessions will begin on October 2 for high school (Wednesdays) and October 3 for Jr. High (Thursdays). The time is 7 – 8:30 at the Oak Street Community Room. Friends are welcome! Games, activities, inspiring and practical topics, prayer, friends, and of course, snacks!
*****************Love Ed: Tuesday, October 8th from 7-9 PM / Community Room / Oak Street Church Location
LoveEd was created to empower our parents to effectively teach their children about the beauty of love and sexuality within the context of our Catholic Faith. This is a continuation of our Level 1 Session from last Spring. If you were not at the first session,Here is the link to access the Confirmation pictures.
Take a look at Fr John Mc Fadden as a Deacon as he reflects on the impact youth ministry has had on how own faith journey and can have on our families too.